Welcome to Directorate of Handicrafts & Handloom Kashmir
Shri Manoj Sinha
Hon'ble Lieutenant Governor, J&K
Shri Vikramjit Singh, IPS
Commissioner/Secretary to the Government,
Industries and Commerce Department

Mr. Mahmood Ahmad Shah (JKAS)
Handicrafts & Handloom
From Director's Desk - As the custodian of this living heritage of Kashmir, I welcome you to this departmental website of ours. Kashmir Handicrafts in its elegance and diverse lines is a component of our identity. The captivating scenic beauty of this vale of ours is a feast for the eyes and the exquisite masterpieces of Kashmir arts and crafts form the souvenirs that reminds the visitor of the beauty of the twosome for ages together.

Our vision guided by our mandate is to preserve, develop and proliferate these exquisite arts and crafts of Kashmir which comprises of about 20 varieties of textile, non-textile, floor covering and handloom arts. Our craft proliferation efforts are oriented towards skill development and skill upgradation so as to secure the fountainhead of this artistic tradition; our training centres under the programme are a means to this end. Besides training to create skilled manpower other core activities of the department are to give access to new designs & preservation of exquisite handicrafts through School of Design; financial support/handholding to artisans and weavers through artisan and weaver credit card scheme; encouragement to craftsmen by granting State Awards; holding of exhibitions/trade fairs to provide market linkage.

To combat the threat of fake Handicrafts and Handlooms which adversely affects the livelihood of thousands of artisans the department has brought seven crafts of the valley under Geographical Indication (G.I); we are committed to extending the benefit to other crafts as well.

As a concerned citizen your suggestions towards further enriching this website are always welcome. As an artisan or craft entrepreneur you are invited to update yourself regarding various schemes and incentives made available by the government and finally as a connoisseur of Kashmir arts we wish you further refine your taste so that our artisans are challenged to churn out master pieces of yet higher refinement and beauty with their golden hands.

Mr. Mahmood Ahmad Shah (JKAS)
Handicrafts & Handloom


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